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Joanna Żytkowska's urban garden, Poland

An urban gardener expert

Joanna Żytkowska is an urban gardener and author of the widely read guidebook, “Just Plant It: How to Start Growing Your Own Vegetables.” She and her husband, Darek, are hosts of a podcast where they share their urban gardening expertise.

The seedling room

The gardening year starts by sowing new plants – which happens in the winter months when it’s cold outside. Joanna has a dedicated inhouse room for this purpose. The room is small and needs to be kept well organised.

An Elfa storage solution makes best use of the space

To use the space efficiently, Joanna has installed a wall-hung Elfa storage solution. Access to daylight is essential in the seedling room and the storage solution that Joanna has installed in the room provides a bright and airy environment that’s perfect for young plants.

Slowly but surely the entire Elfa system is turning green!


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Light and air fill the space

By using wire shelves and a special UV lamp, light can reach plants placed near the bottom of the unit - helping them grow faster. In addition to allowing light to pass through, the wire shelves also allow air to flow freely through the room.

A workbench with everything at hand

Joanna has also used Elfa's products to create a work area for sowing, replanting and trimming. The Elfa pegboard holds different tools and the airy design of the mesh and wire baskets keeps seeds from being damaged by moisture.

Shelves easy to rearrange

With the click-in system, shelves can easily be adjusted to adapt the height of the plants as they grow. When it’s time to move the seedlings outdoors, the wire shelves in their various sizes, can easily be rearranged for the next project.