The pantry was an undisputed feature of the kitchen
This spring, Cecilia, Sebastian and their children finally moved into the house they had built themselves. The couple are interested in interior design and cooking so the kitchen was naturally a prioritised area in their home planning.
“We already knew that we wanted a pantry in the kitchen, so we decided on an l-shaped layout for the kitchen and living area and incorporated the pantry into this design. Since upper cabinets don’t work for us, it was especially important to allow plenty of space for all appliances and gadgets,” Cecilia explains.
Why don’t upper cabinets work for you?
“Because my husband Sebastian is so tall. He’s over two metres tall! In a kitchen with upper cabinets, he’s not able to see the stove or worktops when he stands cooking. And if there’s a cooker hood he has to bend down underneath it.”