“Elfa’s shelves ticked all the boxes”

Johanna loves to read and she runs an account on Instagram called Litteraturlivet (Literature Life). Although Johanna is passionate about literature, she was long without a bookshelf. The top priority for Johanna and her partner when they moved into their new flat was to find the ideal solution for her books.

Tell us about yourself and your home

My name is Johanna and I live in the Swedish town of Linköping. I am currently studying for a degree in media and communications and have been running the Litteraturlivet Instagram account for the past three years. My partner Rikard and I live in a functional three room flat in the town’s Valla district. We moved into the flat eighteen months ago after it had undergone a much-needed and thorough renovation. But we’ve only recently acquired a bookshelf – it’s been a long time coming, to say the least!

Can you tell us what books mean to you?

Few things give me as much pleasure as books. Reading books, talking about books and surrounding myself with books. They are my life. For me, reading is a means of relaxation and the chance to escape reality for a while. Through books, in this case fiction, I also learn more about other people, cultures and the wider world. They are the greatest source of inspiration in everything I do. Have I mentioned that I love books?


And with all the smart accessories like book supports, it couldn’t be better


How important are your books for pleasure and comfort in your home?

I can hardly believe it, but this is actually my first bookshelf. Until now I’ve kept my books in boxes and cupboards due to lack of space. A bookshelf was therefore the number one priority when we bought our flat. But it wasn’t until the bookshelf was in place that I realised how important it is to turn our home into a home. Forget what they say about the kitchen being the heart of the home. In our home, the bookshelf takes centre stage. It adds warmth and happiness. And colour too, of course.

In your eyes, what constitutes a good bookshelf?

A good bookshelf reflects those who live there and should be filled with books. The first thing I usually do when visiting friends is to look through their bookshelves. A well-thumbed classic, a travel guide to Japan or row after row of whodunnit books. The bookshelf itself tells a story and reveals something new about its owner.

Why Elfa?

I’m not one for impulsive consumption. Not even when it comes to a bookshelf. Especially not then. It took us a year to decide what we wanted. A bookshelf that we could secure to the wall to promote a sense of airiness. It needed to have a stylish, classic look and allow for customisation to suit our needs. But most importantly, a bookshelf that throws the focus on the books. Elfa’s shelves ticked all the boxes. And with all the smart accessories like book supports, it couldn’t be better.

Name: Johanna

Studying: Media and Communications studies

Lives: in a functional three room flat in Linköping

Family: Her partner Rikard

Instagram: Litteraturlivet

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